Welcome to Yasiin's Luv
Our Birth & Postpartum Doulas provide unconditional birth support and education that you and your family deserve.
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Why Would You Need A Birth or Postpartum Doula?
Having a Doula has shown to help reduce negative childbirth experiences by 34%, helps decrease the use of pain relief medication during labor by 9%, decreases the incidence of C-sections by 28%, and 38% less likely to use oxytocin.

Photo Credit: https://www.rushesandwaves.com/our-history
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Birth is tough! But It’s a lot easier with a Doula !!

Anytime, Anywhere
Read A Review
I have sat down many times to find the words that can begin to capture how absolutely vital you were to assisting me to stand in my power and surrender to healing. True healing. Cellular healing. Healing on a neural level. I often times think back to how warped my thinking was on if my body was going to be able to give birth seeing as though the first time Maverick and I were both scared of the unknown and the second time I was grieving so intensely that the fear of the process and early aftermath didn't allow space for me to marvel in the miracle that I had my first HBAC. You took extra time to listen to the spirals of feelings, side stories, and context ensuring that I was able to be guided into a stage of acceptance and action. You were so gentle but firm. Kind but sturdy. And when you showed up, the timing was perfect. I was trying to figure out how to articulate that I was ready for you and I turned around and there you were. You helped me when fear began to creep back into my body to stay centered. Your intuition was spot on EVERY SINGLE TIME. And your innate wisdom and soothing touch made me feel safe. You are the unsung hero of our birth story; doing exactly what doulas do-- showing presence without being centered in the experience, just a hands reach away, and there for the encouraging smile and grounded reassurance.
You have helped to facilitate not only a beautiful birth but a reset to how I show up to mother. I am eternally grateful to you. And so happy that you agreed to be my doula.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.